
Seven Days to Love You (Chapter 4)

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Hello, my name is Uriel Niji Fullbuster. I'm seven years old. My parents are Gray and Juvia Fullbuster and I have a little brother name Argent Fullbuster who is a year old. I am a Fairy Tail mage. This is the story of my vacation with my family.

I like going on trains. The way everything outside the windows go so fast, it feels like you're flying. My brother is asleep in his carriage. Papa says that Argent doesn't like trains and he and mama make sure to give him a bottle to knock him out.

My mama is very pretty and very strong. She's a water mage, someone who can make it rain whenever she wants. I heard that she used to be very sad all the time. But I can't see it. Mama is almost always smiling.

My papa is strong too. He's an ice mage. Mama told me that he saved her many times. I think it's romantic, like a knight in shining armor. But papa can be silly too. Sometimes, he can be walking down the street with me and mama and then his shirt disappears. Isn't that silly?

I love mama and papa. They are very strong mages. And I'm learning how to use magic, a combination ice and water. I'm gonna call it liquid ice. Yeah, it sounds weird, maybe I'll change it but it makes sense. Mama's magic is formless and wild. Papa's magic is structured and creative. By combining the two, I am able to make ice that can reform itself whenever I want it. It's really cool, even though Marshmallow Face, Auntie Lucy's son, doesn't think so. One of these days, I'm going to beat up that flame idiot.

But enough about that, I want to tell you the story of my vacation.

Mama and Papa took me and Argent to the beach. I like the beach and mama does too. I like the smell of the ocean, the feel of sand under my feet and the sun on my skin. It's really fun.

Papa was carrying Argent in his baby carrier. My little brother had a giant floppy hat and sunglasses on to protect him from the sun, mama said. I am already in my swimsuit. It's Elsa from Frozen, my all time favorite movie. Because I am a big girl, I get to carry the beach blanket and pick a spot for us. I pick one close to the beach and lay the blanket out.

Mama grabs her bag and pulls out sunblock. Then she puts it on me. But she always puts too much on me.

"Mama." I tell her. "Stop. You are putting too again."

"Mama need to protect her Ur-chan." Mama said. "Mama doesn't want her baby to burn. Ur-chan inherited Mama's fair skin. Therefore, she needs to protect it."

"Mama." I whine.

"Listen to your mother, Uriel." Papa says while feeding Argent another bottle. Papa only uses my name when he's serious.

I let mama finish.

"Okay, Ur-chan, mama's finished." Mama says.

"Can I go into the water?" I ask mama.

"Only go where mama and papa can see you." Mama tells me.

I don't waste any time. I run into the water and put my head under. I love it. The water feels just right, cold but not too cold. And I love to swim. Mama taught me when I was three and a half years old. I can swim just as good as mama now. I rise to the surface and take a look at the beach. Surrounded by so much water, I can't help but try out some magic. I swirl my left hand around, making the water swirl with it. Then, using my magic, I make it rise up. With my left hand, I freeze it just a little. Then I change the frozen water into a triangle, then a circle, then a square. I am really starting to get the hang of this.

I see mama and papa from where I am. Papa is putting up an umbrella to give my baby brother shade.

"Mama, Papa, look at me." I yell and wave at them.

"We see you, Rainbow." Papa yells back.

I swim back to mama and papa. I have sandy feet now because my feet are wet. It's weird but I like it.

"Are you enjoying the water?" Papa asks me.

"Of course." I say. "I love the beach."

"Would Ur-chan like some lunch?" Mama asks me.

"Yes." I tell her. I love mama's cooking. She makes the best food ever, even better than Mira-san's food. She always makes too much though. We end up having so many leftovers.

"Mama." I say after I finish my sandwich. "Can I get some ice cream?"

"Let mama finish her sandwich she will go with you." She tells me.

"Mama, I am seven and a half years old." I tell her. "I'm a Fairy Tail mage. I can take care of myself." I look at Papa. "Please? I won't be long."

Papa looks like he's thinking. Then he reaches into his pocket and gives me some money. "Okay."

"Gray!" Mama says to papa. "She's only a kid."

"Juvia, we need to teach her to be independent." Papa says. I don't know what the word independent means but I think it's a good thing. "Or else how is she going to learn? It's only a five minute walk."

Mama looks like she's in pain. "Okay, but please be quick." She tells me.

"There's an ice cream stand over there." He tells me, pointing to where we came into the beach. "Get it and come back."

I want to prove to mama and papa that I can do this myself. So I follow the direction where papa was pointing. I can see it, the ice cream man. I already know what I want, a banana split with chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream.

As I stand in line, waiting for my turn to get some ice cream, I hear something. I turn my head to where the sound is coming from. It's some older boys, three of them, about as old as Asuka. They are picking on this little girl, I think she's about my age. She's crying. As a member of Fairy Tail, I can't let people pick on other people.

"Hey." I yell at the bullies. "Leave her alone."

One of the bullies turns to me. He's has a stupid mohawk and funny eyes. "Do you see this, guys?" He laughs at me. "This little girl is telling us to leave Joni alone. We should listen to her."

The other boys start laughing. I don't like it.

"Or maybe, we should do to her what we are doing to Joni." The mohawk says.

They wanna fight? I can fight.

The mohawk runs to me but I'm ready. All those days fighting with Marshmallow Face is about to pay off. Before he can grab me, I punch him square in the nose. An idea comes to mind. Mama said that if I ever get into a fight with another boy, I should kick him between his legs. Mama also said that I was never to do that to Marshmallow Face, only really bad guys. Well, the mohawk was being a bad guy so I kick him between his legs.

He drops in pain. Wow, I didn't think he would drop that quickly. I must have really hurt him. Good.

"She kicked Tyler in the balls." One of the other bullies said, some guy with a face tattoo. Balls? I don't see any balls.

"Get her." The other one said, a guy with a cap on.

The other two bullies came after me at the same time but I was ready for them. I put my hands to the ground.


The ground around me froze, causing them to slip and fall. I didn't waste any time.


I hit them with a blast of water, throwing them a good deal away.

"She's a mage?" The mohawk groans. I think he's still in pain.

"Look at her leg." The tattoo face said, pointing to my guild mark. "That's Fairy Tail."

"Let's get out of here." The cap guy said and the three bullies run away.

I look at the girl. "I hope you're okay."

The girl looks back. "Thank you." She says.

"Well, I hope you're alright but I have to get back in line for ice cream." I tell her. "Mama is going to be worried. So I get in line and grab my ice cream.

I was about to head back when mama comes running towards me.

"Ur-chan, it's been five minutes." She says. "Are you okay?"

"Mama, I'm fine." I tell her. "There was just a couple of bullies. I had to beat them up."

"Did they hurt Ur-chan?" She says, checking for boo-boos and stuff.

"I'm fine and I got my ice cream." I tell her. "Can we go back?"

Mama looks like she isn't sure. "Okay, if Ur-chan says so."

Mama took my hand and we walked back to the blanket where papa and Argent were waiting for us. I tell papa what happened to me. He smiles.

"That's my girl." He says, ruffling my hair.

We played for most of the day. Mama and Papa both took turns playing with me in the water. The sun started to go down, meaning we had to go back home. As we went to the train station, I saw those three bullies again. This time, they were with their parents, I think.

"Excuse me." The father of the mohawk said. "My son told me that your daughter beat him and his friends up."

"That's not the way I hear it." Papa says. "She told me that your son and his friends were bullying a little girl and she was defending her."

"How dare you accuse my son of this?" The guy says back.

"Our daughter is not a liar." Mama says.

"That's the problem with you mages." He says. "You think that you're better than everyone else. And now you're raising your children to beat up defenseless kids. She's going to grow up to be a disrespectful..." I'm not allowed to say the B word.

Mama and Papa get this angry look in their eyes. They are scary when they look like this.

"Uriel, come here." Papa says. Then he gives me Argent, who has his rattle in his hands. "Take care of Argent."

Papa cracks his knuckles and mama stretched out her arms.

"What did you call her?" Mama said.

"We're going to teach you to speak to our daughter like that." Papa says.

Papa and mama beat up those guys so fast that I couldn't even blink. That's my parents. They are very strong. One day, I'm gonna be strong like that.

We went on the train after that. It got dark. I was looking out the window at the lights we passed. They looked like they were dancing. Papa and mama were sleeping on the train. I was holding baby Argent in my arms. I can't wait to tell Marshmallow Face how cool mama and papa were. He's gonna be so jealous. I have the best mama and papa ever. My name is Uriel Niji Fullbuster and this is the story of my vacation.
Hello boys and girls. I'd like to tell a story.

This chapter is a little different. I went through three versions of this until I stumbled on a good idea, telling it through a first person perspective. Hope you enjoy.

I've always wanted to tell a story from Uriel's perspective. As a seven year old, she would jump from subject to subject, focusing on certain details and forgetting others. It was a very difficult exercise because that limited my vocabulary to words that a seven year old would use. So I had to be very conscious of what I wrote.
© 2016 - 2024 LeonAlmalsy
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